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Health Office


In case your child has an accident or becomes ill at school, first aid will be administered and you may be contacted. It is important that you supply your school with accurate and adequate information (on the Emergency Contact Form) so there will be no difficulty or delay in reaching you (or an adult specified by you) in case of emergency. People listed on your information card, who are to be contacted in the event that we cannot reach you if your child is ill, should reside a short distance from school and be available most times during the school day. In the event that no one can be contacted, paramedics may be called at the parent’s expense.

Information on optional Student Accident Insurance and other Health Coverage options (Medi-cal and Covered CA) are made available to parents each year. These are low cost options and parents are encouraged to consider taking advantage of them. More information about these insurances can be found on the registration portion our district’s website.


Medications: A physician’s prescription is required to administer a medication at school, even an aspirin. An “Authorization for Medical Administration” form, completed by the parent/guardian and the physician, must be provided to the Health Office for each medication. All medication must be counted and countersigned by the parent/guardian-designated adult and the Health Office Technician or his/her designee. It is imperative that medications be delivered and picked up by the parent/guardian or designated adult. Students with a diagnosed severe allergy which requires emergency epinephrine should provide an epinephrine auto injector (Epipen) along with doctor’s and parent's’ written authorization for its use. Medications must be delivered to the Health Office in original containers/bottles, labeled only by California pharmacists. At the end of the school year, the parent/guardian should pick up any medications stored in the Health Office. Unclaimed medications will be discarded at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, the day after school ends. *



A child that appears on school grounds with crutches, wheelchair, sling, neck brace or other orthopedic device will be allowed one day without a medical doctor’s note. With safety in mind of the affected student and those around them, the school has the right to restrict movement/activities of said child throughout the school day. If the child returns the following school day without a medical doctor’s recommendation, the parent will be asked to pick up the child and remove them from school property. The medical doctor’s note should include:

1) length of time device is to be used,

2) list restricted activity, including restrictions on Physical Education, recess play, etc.,

3) the date the child may return to said activity,

4) any additional medical recommendations (i.e., assistance in toileting, etc.).

No student is to push another child in a wheelchair or use other children’s crutches. 


Michele Larrain
Hours: 7:00 am to 2:30 pm