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Pride Pal Program

Pride Pal Program

Hello Hope Parents!

Come one, come all, SIGN UP TODAY!

Hope's Pride Pal Program is in need of volunteers! A great way to show appreciation to all those staff members that work with our kids is to volunteer for the Pride Pal Program. The PPP was started by a Hope parent and continues to be parent led. It gives parents an opportunity to encourage one Hope staff person, which includes all employees at Hope, throughout the entire school year. Here's what you need to know:

This is an anonymous year long commitment (October —May), and it is easy and not time-consuming at all. You will be assigned one staff person. It is not a reciprocal program. On a monthly basis, write a note and/or send a SMALL, thoughtful gift to your Pride Pal. Your note just might say, “Happy Friday! From Your Pride Pal.” It would be great to remember his/her birthday also. You will receive a detailed list of his/her favorite things. For example, when you are shopping you can pick up a bag of chips, a soda, a magazine or candy. Consider sending a note and 2 Hershey Kisses, coffee or a bagel. Our goal is for each staff person to be appreciated regularly.
We hope many of you will participate in this easy program. Together, we can make a difference. Contact our office for details.